Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday Made It - August 10

I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for this week's Monday Made It!

It hasn't been a super productive week, made-it-wise, because last week was the first week of school.  And y'all, there is NO tired like first-week-of-school tired.  Partly because you're . . . well, tired.  And because on top of being tired you:
  • feel guilty because you have fed your family pizza or fast food all week long
  • have 3.978 gazillion things still to do for school
  • have to get school supplies and fill out paperwork for your own personal children
  • are emotionally drained.  I mean, you've been on stage nonstop for a week.
  • miss last year's kids.  They already knew how to do all of the things.
  • still have to plan for Back to School night.
  • are too keyed up to really sleep.
Or is it just me?

Despite all of this, I do have a couple of MMI's to share!  Which is proof that miracles really do happen.

I'm a big fan of reciprocal teaching, and I made these cards, then printed them on Astrobright cardstock - I think I've talked about my slight obsession with the stuff - and laminated them.  I made a set for each of my reading groups and popped them into each group's book bins so we're ready to go!

I finished this beauty and got it listed in my TpT store!  Click here to get your copy.  Student-led conferences have totally changed my teaching world - for the better, I should add - and I worked this summer to put together all of the resources and forms I use to manage them.  I listed it now because to do student-led conferences really well, the work begins even before the school year starts (though, obviously, you can jump in at any time).  

And, for the first week of school, I'm pretty proud of my two Monday Made Its.  Be sure to visit Tara's blog and see what everyone else has been up to!


  1. The beginning of school can be overwhelming for sure. Hope you get some down time. Your reciprocal teaching cards look fabulous and very thorough. I'll certainly stop by your store to take a look at your Student Conferences resources. Wishing you a happy school year. :)

    1. Thank you so much!! I'm planning on getting the reciprocal teaching cards up as a freebie this weekend, so be sure to check back!

  2. The first week back is so rough! I struggle with the adjustment to being "on stage," too.

    1. It IS exhausting, but also amazing how quickly you get back into the groove. ;)

      Happy Back to School!

  3. Hang in! At least there is only ONE first week of school. Thanksgiving isn't too far away... :P For us the longest stretch of school is the first one. See you around. Kathleen

  4. Hello- love your teaching cards! Is there a way to purchase them? Thanks!


    1. Lori, the cards will go up as a freebie this weekend. Be sure to check back!!

  5. So true...we are on stage those first days of school & it's exhausting!!! And as hard as I work to prepare over the summer, there's always more to do!!

  6. Yes, I totally feel the same as you the first weeks of school. I love your reciprocal teaching cards. Are they on TPT?

    My Bright Blue House

    1. Thanks!! The reciprocal teaching cards will go up as a freebie this weekend, hopefully on Saturday. :)
